This username is too short. Please choose a new username which has between 4 and 20 characters.
This username is too long. Please choose a new username which has between 4 and 20 characters.
This username contains invalid characters. Please do not use any spaces or special characters, for example, @.
The password is too short. Please choose a new password which has between 4 and 45 characters.
The password is too long. Please choose a new password which has between 4 and 45 characters.
The password you entered contains invalid characters.
The passwords you entered do not match.
Your password must be different than your username.
No account with this username/password combination was found.
Your date of birth doesn't seem to be correct. Please check it and re-enter your birth date.
Please confirm that you have accepted our Terms & Conditions and our Data Privacy Policy. Afterwards, you may continue with your registration.
Your e-mail address doesn't seem to be correct. Please enter a valid e-mail address.
Please enter your e-mail-address.
That didn't work. Please enter the characters from the image.